H-100 Series

Gas Turbines
  • Standalone Gas Turbine Output

    100-120 MW class

  • Combined Cycle Output

    150-170 MW / 300-350 MW class

  • Standalone Gas Turbine

    Quick start-up in 10 minutes

  • Suited to power generation and mechanical drive applications

The world's largest-class high efficiency two-shaft gas turbines

The H-100 Series gas turbines were developed for utility customers and industrial customers in both 50 Hz and 60 Hz regions. The first unit came into commercial operation in 2010.

Then Mitsubishi Power continued its efforts to improve the design of the H-100 Series gas turbines. While incorporating advanced elemental technologies and material technologies verified with the H Series gas turbines, we are continuously working to improve performance.

H-100 Gas Turbines


H-100 Series units are the world's largest capacity two-shaft gas turbines based on a great deal of experience in manufacturing gas turbines and achievements in the development of the H-25 and H-15 Series.

They achieve high efficiency as part of combined cycle plants with heat recovery boilers, co-generation systems or other combined cycle power plants.

The H-100 Series features simple cycle gas turbine output of 105 MW to 116 MW and an output range of 150 MW to 350 MW in combined cycle. As two-shaft gas turbines, they are suited to mechanical drive applications.


  • Heavy duty design: A heavy and highly reliable structure designed in consideration of ease of maintenance and long-term continuous operation
  • High efficiency: High performance in various power generation cycles (simple, combined and co-generation)
  • Package type: Easy to carry and install
  • The series is applicable not only for power generation but also for mechanical drive.


H-100 60Hz H-100 50Hz
Compressor Number of Stages 17 17
Combustor Number of Cans 10 10
Cooling Method Air Cooled Air Cooled
Turbine Number of Stages HP: 2
LP: 2
HP: 2
LP: 2
Rotor Number of Rotors 2 2
Output Shaft Hot End Hot End
Rated Speed HP: 4,580 rpm
LP: 3,600 rpm
HP: 4,580 rpm
LP: 3,000 rpm
Gas Turbine Approx. L × W × H 12.1 × 4.5 × 5.4 m 12.9 × 4.5 × 6.3 m
Approx. Weight 175 ton 216 ton

Simple Cycle Performance

H-100 60Hz H-100 50Hz
Cycle 60 Hz 50 Hz
ISO Base Rating 105.7 MW 116.4 MW
Efficiency 38.2 % LHV 38.3 % LHV
LHV Heat Rate 9,421 kJ/kWh 9,400 kJ/kWh
8,930 Btu/kWh 8,909 Btu/kWh
Exhaust Flow 293 kg/s 296 kg/s
646 lb/s 652 lb/s
Exhaust Temp 534 °C 586 °C
993 °F 1,087 °F
Emission NOx 9 ppm@15%O2 9 ppm@15%O2
CO 9 ppm@15%O2 9 ppm@15%O2
Turn Down Load 50 % 50 %
Ramp Rate(Normal/Fast) 8 MW/min / 26 MW/min 9 MW/min / 29 MW/min
Starting Time(Normal/Fast) 22 minutes / 10 minutes 22 minutes / 10 minutes

Combined Cycle Performance

H-100 60Hz H-100 50Hz
1 on 1 Plant Output 150.0 MW 171.0 MW
Plant Efficiency 55.1 % LHV 57.4 % LHV
2 on 1 Plant Output 305.7 MW 346.0 MW
Plant Efficiency 56.1 % LHV 58.0 % LHV
Starting Time 45 minutes 45 minutes

Mechanical Drive Performance

H-100 - 3,600rpm H-100 - 3,000rpm
Output 144,350 hp 160,780 hp
107.7 MW 119.9 MW
Efficiency 38.9 % LHV 38.9 % LHV
Heat Rate 6,542 Btu/hp-hr 6,549 Btu/hp-hr
9,256 kJ/kWh 9,266 kJ/kWh
Exhaust Flow 293 kg/s 315 kg/s
646 lb/s 695 lb/s
Exhaust Temp 534 °C 552 °C
993 °F 1,025 °F

Performance Correction Curves

  • Effects of Compressor Inlet Temperature on Gas Turbine Performance (Typical)

  • Effects of Barometric Pressure on Gas Turbine Performance (Typical)

Package Design

The package design of the H-100 Series has the following advantages.

  • Minimize on-site installation work and time
  • Flexible layout
  • Short delivery period
Package H-100
1 Gas Turbine 216 ton/50 Hz
175 ton/60 Hz
2 Lube Oil Tank, Starting Means and Auxiliaries 89 ton
3 Generator 152 ton
4 Air Intake System 140 ton
5 Exhaust System 139 ton
6 Gas Valve Compartment 6 ton

Typical Plant Layout: Simple Cycle

Typical Plant Layout: Co-generation

Typical Plant Layout: 1 on 1 Combined Cycle

Typical Plant Layout: 2 on 1 Combined Cycle

Replacing worn gas turbines with H-100 Series ones will result in reduced nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as well as lower fuel consumption after improvement of plant efficiency.

Replacement of gas turbines paves the way for making the most of existing plant equipment and it is applicable not only for simple cycle plants but also for combined cycle plants.

Example of a Replacement of the Existing Combined Cycle System

Main Existing Equipment to be Reused

  • Generators
  • Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)
  • Steam Turbines
  • Electrical Equipment
Example of Evaluation of Performance Improvement by Replacement with H-100 Series Gas Turbines
Item Existing 1 on 1
Combined Cycle
H-100 1 on 1 Combined Cycle
60 Hz 50Hz
Output Base +13% -3%
Efficiency Base +7% +11%

Main Delivery Records

H-100 Series Gas Turbine Project (Japan)

Recent Orders

Qty Year of starting operation Plant specifications
Shin-Oita Power Station, Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Japan) 6 2010~ Combined cycle
Yanai Power Station, The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. (Japan) 6 2011~2015 Combined cycle
Osaki CoolGen Corporation (Japan) 1 2017 Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Power Generation (Japan)
Futtsu Thermal Power Station, TEPCO Fuel & Power, Inc. (Japan) 7 2016~2019 Combined cycle
Torishima Energy Center, Gas and Power Co., Ltd. (Japan) 1 2018 Combined cycle